Seminari DISES del giovedì

Seminari organizzati dal Dipartimento


2025 3 2024 22 2023 14 2022 1

Seminario di Dipartimento: "Re-exhuming the old hatchet: The effects of affirmative action policies on political preferences in post-apartheid South Africa" di Michele Ubaldi
Michele Ubaldi
12/12/2024 ore 11:30 - 12:30
Seminario di Dipartimento: "Comparative advantage in data-intensive industries: Evidence from US imports"
Mattia Filomena
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
28/11/2024 ore 11:30-13:30
Seminario di Dipartimento: "In praise of organization: a von Nuemann critique of the Kremer-Maskin model of globalization and inequality" di Manfredi La Manna
Manfredi La Manna
St. Andrews University
21/11/2024 ore 12:30-14:30
Relative entropy-regularized robust optimal order execution under transient impact
Prof. Tai-Ho Wang
Baruch College
14/11/2024 ore 12:30-13:30
Tai-Ho Wang at Baruch College, The City University of New York meets the PhD community
Tai-Ho Wang
Baruch College
14/11/2024 ore 10:00
Seminario di Dipartimento - The US-China Trade War and the Relocation of Global Value Chains to Mexico - Hale Utar
Hale Utar
Grinnell College
04-10-2024 ore 12:00-14:00
Seminario di Dipartimento - Artificial Intelligence, the sustainability of consumer society and Oligarchy - Gilles Saint Paul
Gilles Saint Paul
Ecole Normale Supèrieure and Paris School of Economics
03-10-2024 12:00-14:00
Seminario di Dipartimento - "Inclusive Home care for older people" di Kieran Walsh
Kieran Walsh
University of Galway
30/09/24 ore 14.00-16.00
Seminario di Dipartimento: "Death squad or quality improvement? The impact of introducing post-grant review on U.S. patent quality" di Julia Mazzei
Julia Mazzei
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
08/10/2024 ore 12:30 - 14:30
Seminario di Dipartimento : "Sustainability of the Decision-Making Process in Democracy: The Case of Strategic Timing of Confidence Votes" di Giuseppe Spataro
Giuseppe Spataro
LUISS University
20-06-2024 ore 11:00 - 13:00
Seminario di Dipartimento : "Global food prices and inflation" di Guglielmo Caporale
Guglielmo Caporale
Brunel University
14-06-2024 ore 10:00 - 12:00
Seminario di Dipartimento : "Estimating high-resolution interregional input-output tables: a Bayesian spatial approach" di Andrzej Toroj
Andrzej Toroj
Warsaw School of Economics
13-06-2024 ore 12:30 - 14:30
Seminario di Dipartimento: "Macroeconomic Spillovers of Weather Shocks across U.S. States"
Graziano Moramarco
30-05-2024 ore 12:30 - 14:30
Seminario di Dipartimento: "Panel models with time-varying grouped fixed-effects"
Claudia Pigini
23-05-2024 ore 12:30 - 14:30
Seminario di Dipartimento: "Political Backlash to Refugee Settlement: Cultural and Economic Drivers"
Mendola Mariapia
16/05/2024 ore 12:30 - 14:30
Seminario di Dipartimento : "AI Indicator Building" - Cristina Rossetti
Cristina Rossetti
09-05-2024 16:00
Seminario di dipartimento: "Longer careers: A barrier to hiring and coworker advancement?" - Irene Ferrari (UNIVPM)
Irene Ferrari
18-04-2024 ore 12:30
Seminario di Dipartimento: "In the wrong place at the wrong time: Mass shootings and human capital"
Michele Ubaldi - UNIVPM
11-04-2024 - ORE 12:30
Prof. Claudio Tebaldi
Università Bocconi
04/04/2024 - ore 14:30 - 15:30
Prof.ssa Marina Di Giacinto
Università di Cassino
04/04/2024 -- ore 12:30 - 13:30
Seminario dal titolo: "Algoritmi di sentiment analysis ed emotion recognition per l'analisi di dati non strutturati."
Alex Mircoli
22-02-2024 ore 12:30
Meta-analyses in Economic Psychology: A sustainable approach to cross-cultural differences
Matteo Marini
11/01/2024 12:30