Work in European Institutions and Their Impact on the Daily Lives of European Citizens: Opportunities and Challenges for University Students
Manlio Massei
13-12-2023 15:30
Sviluppo sostenibile, finanza e rischi climatici
Lorenzo Masetti
07-12-2023 16:30
La gestione delle risorse umane: il processo di ricerca e selezione di personale
Dott.ssa Francesca Mercuri
28-11-2023 13:30-15:30
Conoscenza e innovazione: la risposta creativa
Prof. Cristiano Antonelli
Fondazione "Giorgio Fuà"
30/11/2023 15:30
Paolo Bricco
22/11/2023 15:30 - 17:30
Resilience for cascading risk and low probability high impact events
Gianluca Pescaroli
University College of London
09-11-2023 12:30
The Startuppers Life, Past, Present and Future
Dott. Gianluca Dettori
Venture Capital
14-11-2023 16:00
Conflitti senza trasformazione: le Paludi pontine dal 1871 al 1928
Roberta Biasillo
Università di Utrecht
05-12-2023 15:30-17:30
Ancona e il suo porto. Ieri, oggi e domani
L. Andreoni - R. Giulianelli
03-11-2023 18:00
Civic crowdfunding: autofinanziamento, marketing strategico e match-funding
Dott. Filippo Cossetti
06-11-2023 16:30-17:30
Understanding the future of critical raw materials for the energy transition: a SVAR model for the US market
Ilenia Romani
Università degli Studi di Brescia e FEEM
26-10-2023 12:30
DOI theory: software applications
Dott. Silvio Di Fabio
31-10-2023 17:30
DOI theory: fundamentals
Dott. Silvio DI Fabio
24-10-2023 17:30
After the thesis: international experiences and career
Dott.ssa Debora Scardacchi
30-10-2023 15:30
Research in social sciences. Addictions: markets and policy
Dott.ssa Debora Scardacchi
23-10-2023 13:30
Neoliberalism, COVID-19 and the global ecological crisis: evidence and policies
Roberto De Vogli
Università di Padova
19-01-2023 12:30
Unsafe temperatures, unsafe workplaces
Mattia Filomena
26-01-2023 12:30
Logistic hubs, discontent, and support for anti-EU parties: evidence from Italy
Liliana Cuccu
University of Barcelona
02-03-2023 12:30
Technological parasitism: a new theory of technological evolution in complex systems
Mario Coccia
09-03-2023 12:30
Contagion among european financial indices, evidence from a Quantile VAR approach
Marco Tedeschi
Innovazioni per una finanza sostenibile
Dr. Roberto Giacalone
C-Quadrat Asset Management France
Da lunedì 3 aprile a mercoledì 5 aprile 2023
Intergenerational scars: the impact of parental unemployment on individual health later in life
Michele Ubaldi
13-04-2023 12:30
After the thesis: international experiences and career
Debora Scardacchi
18-04-2023 17:30-19:30
Research in social sciences. Additions: markets and policy
Debora Scardacchi
20-04-2023 17:30-19:30
Constant, decreasing or increasing? Notes on the rate of economic growth, with a little bit of history
Prof. Massimo Tamberi
27-04-2023 12:30
Economic networks: theory and applications
Raffaele Giammetti
Università degli Studi di Cassino
28-04-2023 10:00-13:00 / 14:00-17:00
Economia trasformativa e responsabilità sociale d'azienda
Prof. Roberto Mancini
Università degli Studi di Macerata
02-05-2023 15:30-17:30
I concetti di fragilità e vulnerabilità: una prospettiva sociologica sull'invecchiamento
Giovanna De Santis
08-05-2023 11:00-13:00
Welfare collaborativo e coproduzione dei servizi sociali
Prof. Luca Fazzi
Fondazione Easycare, OCIS
09-05-2023 15:30-17:30
Presentazione del libro: "Marchionne non è il migliore dei manager possibili"
Francesco Varanini
09-05-2023 08:45
Tra Stato e impresa. Il ruolo della Fiat per lo sviluppo economico e la costruzione dei paesaggi industriali del Molise nel secondo Novecento
Maddalena Chimisso
Università del Molise
Presentazione del "World Economic Outlook"
Andrea Presbitero
10-05-2023 17:00
Incontra Iconsulting per una carriera nel mondo dei dati
10-05-2023 11:00-12:00
Stages of technological diversification
Aleksandra Parteka
Politechnika Gdanska
11-05-2023 12:30
How to promote cooperation in the adriatic ionian region
G. Cotella, D. Jano, A. Solly
13-05-2023 11:00
ABM for monetary policy and income distribution: theory and practice
Luca Edoardo Fierro
Scuola Sant'Anna Pisa
16/05/2023 09:00-13:00
Macroeconomics transition risks in a hybrid agent-based integrated assessment model
Luca Eduardo Fierro
Scuola Sant'Anna Pisa
Robotization and structural change in the 21st century
Andrea Gentili
Università Telematica eCampus
Dall'8 al 9 giugno 2023
Innovazione e sostenibilità socio-economica e finanziaria: teorie e applicazioni
Dott. Mario Coccia
09-06-2023 10:00-13:00
Introduction to sport economics
Marco Di Domizio
13-06-2023 12:00
Careers in multinational enterprises
Marcus Rosch
15-06-2023 12:30
I nuovi orizzonti della salute in prospettiva interdisciplinare: cervello, tecnologie, ambiente e trasformazioni sociali
Dal 16 al 17 giugno 2023
The political economy of development
Alessandro Belmonte
Training day on indicators
Liuc - T-Stat
Stats under the stars 2023
y-sis - sis - bee-viva - sas - flow-traders
Notte tra il 20 ed 21 giugno 2023
SIS 2023 - Statistical learning, sustainability and impact evaluation
Dal 21 al 23 giugno 2023
Identifying green banks: stock selection implications
Gian Marco Mensi
Price-cost margins and quality: evidence from the colombian coffee sector
Eric Verhoogen
Columbia University
07-07-2023 16:00
Energy consumption and economic growth: is there a plausible linkage?
Marco Tedeschi
07-09-2023 10:30
Income inequality and campaign contributions in the US
Valentino Larcinese
London School of Economics
12-09-2023 12:30
Economic policies and sustainability in times of inflation, banking and financial instability
Dal 14 al 15 settembre 2023
Production and financial networks in interplay: the resilience of the economy to financial shocks
Kenan Huremovic
IMT School for advanced studies Lucca
18-09-2023 12:30
"Natural" disasters and regional governance: evidence from european NUTS-3 regions
Davide Di Marcoberardino
19-09-2023 12:30
Factor investing and portfolio selection
Noemi Giampaoli
12-10-2023 12:30
In the wrong place in the wrong time: mass shooting and human capital -- Industrial crisis and local development: evidence from an italian manufactoring plant
Michele Ubaldi - Silvia Mattiozzi
17-10-2023 11:30-13:30
The educated class, the fragility of consumer society and resilience of the economy
Gilles Saint-Paul
Ecole Normale Supérieure and Paris School of Economics
Friday, 22 September 2023 - from 11 to 1.00 pm
Monetary Policy and Resilience of the Economies
Gilles Saint-Paul
Ecole Normale Supérieure and Paris School of Economics
Friday, 18 September 2023 - from 11 to 12.30 pm
Motivating Job Seekers: A Field experiment
Bart Cockx
Ghent University
13/09/2023 12.30
Fixed Effects 2SLS for Linear Panel Models with Feedback
Chris Muris
McMaster University
14/09/2023 11.30
The future of Sustainable Finance and Economics
Eduardo Schwartz
Universiity of California - Los Angeles
April, 17 2023 from 11 to 12.30 am
Optimal Harvest with Multiple Fishing Zones, Endogenous Price and Global Uncertainty
Eduardo Schwartz
Universiity of California - Los Angeles
April, 17 2023 from 3 to 5 pm